Friday, 9 December 2011

Public Bathroom

Commercial bathroom stalls have various design that you can choose based on your need to make your customer feel safe. Public place also need privacy when people get into it.

Usually bathroom partitions are designed to give the best service to create privacy in a public restroom facility. People always move, drink; eat especially in the public place such as Mall, Hospital, or café. People will stay longer in the hospital absolutely need a restroom sometimes.

Thus giving the best service to them trough the commercial bathroom stall design is not wrong. The construction of the commercial bathroom facility will determine what type of bathroom stall partitions which is suitable and work best to save your customer privacy.

The design of the bathroom stalls itself vary based on the materials used such as stainless steels, backed enamel (powder coated steels), solid plastic, plastic laminate and solid phenolic core.The whole materials here are saving and can keep the bathroom in a simple way. Commercial bathroom stalls will look completely safe if you can choose the best bathroom stalls for your public restroom.

For the floor, there is also various type which is provides in many stores so you can just choose based on your need and budget.  There is floor braced, ceiling hung, overhead braced, floor to ceiling bathroom partition. They are can be used based on your need. Floor to ceiling might be more stable than other floor types.
The decoration of the commercial bathroom stalls mainly depend on the materials used. You must be clever to see which of the materials which is suitable if it is combined with another material. Because basically the concept of the commercial bathroom stalls are almost the same. The one which differ them is only the materials used.

You can décor the commercial bathroom stalls based on the theme you want. Thus from this theme you can choose the best materials used for your commercial bathroom stalls. For example if you want o create atmosphere of the outdoor, back to nature.

It is not recommended you use stainless steels or other materials which is made from plastic. It is better if you take a wood as the commercial bathroom stalls then for the floor you can choose the crocks design floor.

As the complete design, you can play with the furniture or adding some plants there. Thus, your commercial bathroom styles will look so nature.

This is what I mean by concept or the theme of the commercial bathroom stalls will affect much on the materials used and taken. So it is better to decide the concept first then you move to materials used. It will make you easier to decorate and built the commercial bathroom stalls.

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